Amy Green Tribute
I regret to share the sad news of the untimely death of Amy Green, a contributing gardening news writer for the online Springfield Community Newsletter. Amy was first and foremost a farmer’s wife to husband, Bob, but she was also a beloved member of the Springfield community who participated in numerous civic-serving organizations and projects. A Sarpy County Master Gardener, she shared her knowledge of gardening to subscribers of this newsletter. I personally will always remember Amy for her friendly smile, caring heart, and sense of humor. Kindly remember Bob, her family, and friends in your thoughts and prayers.
Pictured (left to right) Mike Harris and Mark Stoddard
A number of officers from the South Sarpy Athletic Program and their families gave their time in 1987 to refinish the Springfield Community Building's upstairs floor. Dean Addleman, Jamie Harris, Mike Harris, Ralph Meister, Mark Stoddard, and Larry Vacek were among the officers and their families. The floor had to be fully stripped for the job. New court lines for volleyball and basketball were painted. Wax, buff, and sealant were applied to the floor. It took a total of seventy hours and thirty-six gallons of stripper, sealer, wax, and paint to complete the renovation. The SSAP group additionally contributed five-hundred dollars for the needed supplies. At the January 5, 1988, Springfield city council meeting, members unanimously voted to drop the ten-dollar a week Community Building rental fees normally charged to SSAP for the 1988 winter sports season.
Give the gift of utility assistance this holiday season by registering for Heat the Streets Run & Walk for Warmth.
The holiday shopping season is already underway, and local utilities encourage you to add the gift of utility bill assistance to your list by signing up for the Heat the Streets Run & Walk for Warmth. You can register for the event beginning on Black Friday.
Heat the Streets takes place March 2, 2024, at Zone 6 in Aksarben Village, 1911 S. 67th St. in Omaha. This is the 17th year Metropolitan Utilities District and Omaha Public Power District are hosting the event to raise money for utility assistance programs for customers struggling to pay their bills.
This year’s co-chairs are Jim Begley, vice chair of the M.U.D. Board of Directors, and his wife, Rebecca, and Matt Core, a member of the OPPD Board of Directors, and his wife, Katy.
Last year, M.U.D.’s HomeFund distributed $280,389 of bill assistance funding to 790 households in need. OPPD’s Energy Assistance Program distributed $319,987 in funding to 937 households in need.
Heat the Streets is the single largest fundraiser of the year for these programs. Last year the event raised $138,081. This year, the utilities have set a goal of registering at least 1,000 participants and raising at least $300,000.
Fundraising is especially critical right now, as a decrease in federal funding allotted to programs that help with utility bill assistance has put extra pressure on the utilities’ assistance programs.
The utilities host the run and walk during the winter to bring added attention to the struggle that so many face to keep their homes safe and warm. However, our customers’ need is year-round. Unexpected events – a lost job, hospital stay, even car repairs – are a real hardship for those living paycheck to paycheck. Sometimes, just a little financial boost can make all the difference.
Funds raised are administered by Dollar Energy Fund Inc., a registered 501(c)(3), and then split between M.U.D.’s Home Fund and OPPD’s Energy Assistance Program to provide assistance to our customers living in Burt, Cass, Colfax, Dodge, Douglas, Johnson, Nemaha, Otoe, Pawnee, Richardson, Sarpy, Saunders and Washington counties. All money raised is distributed through this local network.
Participation options, including a new 10k distance race path, and prices follow. The registration window opens Nov. 24, with discounts for early birds who register before the end of the year.
Timed 10K
- $35 (Nov. 24 through Dec. 31)
- $40 (Jan. 1 through Feb. 28)
- $50 (Day-of registration)
Timed 5K
- $30 (Nov. 24 through Dec. 31)
- $35 (Jan. 1 through Feb 28)
- $45 (Day-of registration)
Untimed one-mile walk
Children 12 and under may register for free with a registered adult.
- $25 (Nov. 24 through Dec. 31)
- $30 (Jan. 1 through Feb. 28)
- $40 (Day-of registration)
Virtual run/walk
Participants may complete their choice on the path of their choice, such as a treadmill, in their neighborhoods or a local trail.
- $35 (Nov. 24 through Feb. 28)
Awards will be given to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place male and female runners in each of the following age divisions for the timed 5K and 10K events: 12 and under, 13-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+. (No awards for virtual participants.)
You do not have to participate in the run or walk to help the cause. Just visit HeatTheStreetsOmaha.com to donate and view sponsorship opportunities.
Both utilities urge any customers who are struggling with their bills to call their customer service representatives and talk through their options. For OPPD, that number is 402-536-4131 in the Omaha area. Outside of the metro, customers may call toll-free at 877-536-4131. M.U.D. customers should call 402-554-6666.
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211 Main Street
Louisville, NE
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Come on over and take a spin on our dance floor!
This is a family-friendly venue, so bring the kids, too!
HOWEVER, we will have
December 3 & 10
January 7,14, 21 & 28
Bring your instruments, bring your voices or just sit in and listen!
Let's get together and have a good time!
* * * * *
Like us on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063613958002
For more information, call Larry: 1-402-949-0668.
They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for.”
― Tom Bodett
Thank you to all Springfield E-Newsletter readers.
Connie Manzer
Help make the newsletter better! Your news is needed for the Springfield electronic newsletter. Post school, organizational, and sporting announcements. Birthday and anniversary announcements are welcome, also. Send photos and fliers. Get the word out to everyone in Springfield and beyond. Please have your info in by Monday 10pm. Email all news and photos to:
Community Sustaining Sponsors 2023
2023 Community Sustaining Sponsor
2023 Community Sustaining Sponsor
2023 Community Sustaining Sponsor
2023 Community Sustaining Sponsor
2023 Community Sustaining Sponsor
2023 Community Sustaining Sponsor
2023 Community Sustaining Sponsor
2023 Community Sustaining Sponsor
2023 Community Sustaining Sponsor
2023 Community Sustaining Sponsor
2023 Community Sustaining Sponsor
2023 Community Sustaining Sponsor
2023 Community Sustaining Sponsor
2023 Community Sustaining Sponsor