Please join us for a fun filled night of bowling, raffle items and supporting your Platteview Boosters which 100% supports all Trojan activities, Junior and Senior High level! Please gather a team and mark January 16th on your calendar!!!





Registration is now open for the 2016 baseball and softball seasons. Registration is open January 4, 2016 to February 27, 2016. 
Register from January 4, 2016 to February 14, 2016 and save $10.  Registrations from February 15, 2016 to February 27, 2016, will be $10 higher. 
Any parents interested in coaching for the 2016 baseball or softball season MUST register as a coach prior to February 27, 2016.
To register, go to
platteviewjrtrojans.com and click on the green Log In button at the top right.




Get Fit and Read



seed share event







pancakes 2014


Springfield American Legion Hall

Sunday, January 24 2016 from 8:00 a.m. to noon

All you care to eat pancakes, French toast, scrambled eggs, hash browns, ham, and sausage links and paddies.  Milk, coffee and orange juice included. Cost is $6.50 for adults and $3.00 for children, which includes a donation of $1.50.


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17111 S 138th St

Springfield, NE 68059


(Nebraska Law stipulates that no outside alcohol can be brought onto the premise.)

Sunday Acoustic Music!

No cover charge - music is from 2-5 pm.

Check out upcoming performers and events at www.soaringwingswine.com!

See You at the Winery!




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City of Omaha Car & Truck auction - open to the public. Auctioning 130 -150 cars & trucks to the highest bidder.

  Saturday Jan 23rd 10am including a 1987- 560 SL CONVERTIBLE

www.GPSOLD.COM RANDY Fleming 402-210-4885



4HEnrollment flyer

Student of the Week Lutz





The Old Avoca Schoolhouse in Avoca, Nebraska will be hosting a special "Schoolhouse Celtic Fiddling Camp", for fiddlers, violists, mandolinists, guitarists, and ukulele players. Music from Ireland, Scotland, and Wales will be featured.  The sessions will be led by championship fiddler and author, Deborah Greenblatt.  Each participant will receive a copy of Deborah's latest publication, the Celtic Fiddler's Song Book.

The camp will be on Wednesday, March 9 - Friday, March 11, from 9 AM to 1 PM.  You can sign up for 1 day, or 2 days, or all 3 days.

On Wednesday, participants will be mostly reading tunes, using sheet music in standard notation.  We'll be learning melodies, harmonies, and chords.  You will be improving your sight reading, and experiencing fiddling fun.

On Thursday, we will be mostly playing tunes by ear, so feel free to bring your recording gadgets.  Sheet music versions of the tunes will be provided for you by the end of the day, just in case your ears need the help.

On Friday, we will be mostly jamming, modulating, singing, dancing, experimenting, sharing, and playing fiddle related instruments.

One day:                $60.00
Two days:               $110.00 ($55 per day)
Three days:     $150.00 fee for 3 days. ($50 per day)

For more information, and to register, click on the following link:


Enrollment for the "Schoolhouse Celtic Fiddling Camp" is limited. E-mail Deborah (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) if you have any questions.




A position of employment is open for St. John the Baptist School “After School Care” program: Teacher – care of school-aged children after school hours.  This position will be for 5 days/week, 3:10pm - 5:30pm (or until all students are picked up).   For required qualifications, please see holyspiritplattsmouth.com or call 296-6230.  Selected applicants must successfully complete several State and Diocesan requirements prior to hiring.  Applications may be picked up at St. John the Baptist School or Church of the Holy Spirit rectory during regular business hours.  Position open until filled.  This program has been a valuable service to St. John the Baptist School families for the last six years!


EMT Class page 0


~ Silence is golden when you can’t think of a good answer.

   -Muhammad Ali


Thanks to all Springfield E-Newsletter readers. 

Connie Manzer


Announce your news in the Springfield electronic newsletter. Send birthday or anniversary greetings.  Post a special event, news or pictures of school or sporting events. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Get the word out to everyone in Springfield and beyond. Please have your info in by Monday 10pm. Call 253 -2015 (leave a message) or email all news and photos to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Community Sustaining Sponsors 2016

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2016 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2016 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2016 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2016 Community Sustaining Sponsor

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2016 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2016 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2016 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2016 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2016 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2016 Community Sustaining Sponsor

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2016 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2016 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2016 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2016 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2016 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2016 Community Sustaining Sponsor

eagle spine and sport
2016 Community Sustaining Sponsor