City Hall just learned that someone is calling residents threatening to shut off their water if they do not remit payment for their "past due water bill" over the phone immediately. Please be aware that the city is NOT initiating or conducting these phone calls. This is a scam.

Also, the city only accepts cash or check as payment for water. We do not accept payment over the phone or by credit card.

Please contact City Hall at 402-253-2204 with any questions. Thank you!

Plant Sale 2016

Cleanup Day 2016








Springfield Platteview Community Schools Destination Imagination teams have had a great year competing in Destination Imagination.  One of the 6th grade teams from Westmont earned 1st place at the Regional tournament and recently earned 1st place at the State tournament which now qualifies them to compete in the Global Finals in Knoxville, Tennessee.   The team is doing various fundraisers to help offset the cost of participating in this event.  They have set up a GoFundMe account for donations  ( and they will also be hosting a car wash this Saturday (April 23rd) and B&B Pitstop from 1 - 5pm.   Please consider either of these options to help this team out!  




 On a nice Spring day, the St. Joseph Knights of Columbus and the Red Cross want to thank all who donated and attempted to donate Blood on Sunday April 17th. Some days are better than others. Today the goal was 47 to collect. We collected 41 units, not bad but not quite there. We had the people to get there but some days the Iron levels are not where they need to be.
Once again, thanks to all involved and mark your calendars for Sunday June 26th.

parkpursuit copy


Springfield is home to one of the 2016 Great Park Pursuit locations, which can be found throughout Nebraska. Click on the link below to visit the program's website for more information, including registration, activities and prizes!!

The program sign can be found along the north end of the Springfield Trail near the trailhead located on Platteview Road. The sign is next to the north bridge that crosses over the Springfield Creek. For more info:




Tee ball registration is now open for boys and girls ages 4 & 5.

To register, please go to

If you are interested in coaching, please register on the website also.



pancakes 2014


Springfield American Legion Hall

Sunday, April 24, 2016 from 8:00 a.m. to noon

All you care to eat pancakes, French toast, scrambled eggs, hash browns, ham, and sausage links and paddies.  Milk, coffee and orange juice included. Cost is $6.50 for adults and $3.00 for children, which includes a donation of $1.50.



Recycle Crafts



Lego Club


SprDays flyer 001






Anyone willing to help with this year’s event is welcome to attend!



Sarpy County Earth Day Celebration & Expo

April 24

BPS Lied Activity Center

The event will be held on Sunday, April 24, 2016, at the Bellevue Public Schools Lied Activity Center, 2700 Arboretum Drive, Bellevue, NE. The MixxedFit/Zumbathon starts at 10:00 a.m., the 5k Run/Walk starts shortly after 12:00 p.m., and the Earth Day Celebration takes place from 12:00 - 4:00 p.m. This event is free and open to the public.

Visit for details, including a schedule of events, registration information and flyers.

The Sarpy County Earth Day Celebration and Expo will be held at the BPS Lied Activity Center in Bellevue on April 24th.  This year we have a focus on the importance of Trees for the environment.  The Earth Day Network set a goal to plant 7.8 billion trees by 2020.  The opening ceremony is at 12pm but we actually get started at 10am with the first of 2 athletic fundraisers: Maxxfit/Zumbathon.  The 5k fundraiser is just after opening ceremony.  There will be outdoor displays including gas saving vehicles and recycling pallet exhibits and the Midwest Kite Fliers.  Indoors there will be youth activities taking place from 12pm-4pm featuring flower planting fun, relays, face painting, story telling, art exhibit, crafts, games, free books and rescue animals, there will be farm fresh foods to enjoy, 50+ exhibitors and an educational tract which include city representatives discussing environment related efforts and needs.  All attendees will receive a tree to plant!  At 3pm, we have the 3rd annual "Trashion Show!" There is much to teach and much to learn!   


Sarpy County’s Earth Day celebration is coming up on Sunday, April 24 at the Bellevue Public Schools Lied Activity Center, and will once again feature two athletic events sponsored by Papillion Sanitation and Fitssentials. Come out for a day of fun starting with a MixxedFit/ZUMBAthon and 5k Run/Walk, and stick around for a free event packed full of family friendly activities for all ages, including an indoor and outdoor Expo, farm-fresh local food, educational speaker series and youth activities.This event offers a memorable, unprecedented and fun venue to raise awareness of the environmental needs in our community, and receive education on Earth friendly practices and why we must do them.

Starting at 10:00 a.m., join athletic event sponsor Fitssentials for an hour and a half of MixxedFit and Zumba. Enjoy an upbeat, indoor cardio workout incorporating Latin-style dance moves and boot camp toning – no dance background required! When you register, you will automatically be entered in a drawing for a prize package valued at $50. Check in and late registration at the front door opens at 9:00 a.m. Registration is $20 per participant and includes an event t-shirt.

The 5k Run/Walk sponsored by Papillion Sanitation starts after the 12:00 p.m. Earth Day Opening Ceremony. This fun 5k course runs through BPS Lied Center grounds, neighborhoods and a park, and is designed to be a good starter timed run for the race season. An awards ceremony with prizes will be conducted onstage at around 1:45 p.m. for the race winners. Check in and late registration at the front door opens at 11:00 a.m.Registration is $30 per participant and includes an event t-shirt.

You receive a discount when you sign up for both athletic events or when you sign up as a family, and Offutt employees and military can register free of charge. Fundraising from both athletic events greatly contributes to supporting Green Bellevue’s mission to promote a more beautiful and environmentally friendly community. Early bird registration closes April 15. For a flyer and registration form, visit:
Link for Individual Registration:

 Link for Family Registration:

5k Facebook Event:

MixxedFit/Zumba Facebook Event:





17111 S 138th St

Springfield, NE 68059


(Nebraska Law stipulates that no outside alcohol can be brought onto the premise.)

Sunday Acoustic Music!

No cover charge - music is from 2-5 pm.

Friday night Music

7:00 9:30pm

Check out upcoming performers and events at!

See You at the Winery!



A Letter to the Editor:

April 7, 2016

Dear Editor,

As a citizen of Springfield, NE, I want to call attention to the placement of the crosswalk/sidewalk by the bridge on Platteview Road, West of 2nd Street.

Currently it is location on the North side of Platteview, but it would be safer for it to be located on the South side. There is a walkway on the South side, but not on the North.

Some people might argue that the walkway is fine where it is at, but I disagree. I feel that for the safety of anyone who uses the walkway it should be located on the South side.


Camden Heese

[Boy Scout]




Whose Lofte


The Lofte Community Theatre in Manley will be holding a night of live improv comedy entitled, “Whose Lofte is it Anyway?” on Saturday, April 23 at 7pm.  

In the style of the popular Drew Carey hit, “Whose Line is it Anyway?”  this show utilizes the skills and talents of some of the midwest’s best comedians.  This troupe of individuals (including the Lofte’s own Doug Rothgeb) is called “Big Canvas.”  They participate in improv and skit comedy events in Nebraska, Missouri and Kansas.  They take the stage this weekend and will entertain you with a family friendly evening of laughter.  Some members of the audience may even be asked (or rather drafted) onstage to help usher in the fun!

Tickets for this event are only $10 and will be available at the door.  For those who are interested, there will be an improv workshop at the theater starting at 2pm.  For a free-will donation, you can learn improv comedy or learn how to improve you public speaking skills.  This is a great opportunity for young people involved in speech, FBLA or other extracurricular activities.  

The Lofte is located just east of the intersection of Hwy 1 and 50 near the town of Manley.  Those interested in advance reservations should call the box office at (402) 234-2553.


The next Brown Bag Program at Cass County Historical Society in Plattsmouth will be Tuesday, April 26, at 12:00pm. The program, "Hops Production", will be presented by Annette and Bruce Wiles. They will talk about the new Hops production business they are developing on the former Plattsmouth golf course location.

The program is free and open to the public. Coffee and cookies will be served.

For more information contact the museum, 402-296-4770.



Cass County Historical Society's Tenth Annual Living History Day will be Saturday, April 30.   The event is free and open to the public.

At 10:00 a.m., by the Caboose at the end of Main Street, Ron Rookstool of Plattsmouth , will demonstrate Blacksmithing and Butch Bouvier of Onawa, Iowa, will talk about wood working and log cabin restoration. The Cook Log Cabin and the Burlington Northern Caboose will be open for tours.

The Museum at 646 Main will open at 12:00 and remain open until 4:00 p.m. Demonstrations in the museum will include weaving by Linda Barnard Duncan of Plattsmouth and quilting by Sandra Allgeier. Throughout the day, Florene Nickles will be playing the 1893 Packard Reed Organ.

From 12:00 until 4:00 p.m., a May Basket Workshop for children ages 5 to 10 will be conducted by Cass County Retired Educators.   The children will make a basket and learn about the May Day tradition. The last session will start at 3:30. Children will also have an opportunity to make a rag doll and roll a candle.

In the museum courtyard, William Duff, of Weeping Water, will demonstrate rope making. Farm equipment, including tractors, plows, cultivators, and corn planters will be on display in the shed in the courtyard

There will be an Antique Tractor Show on Main Street in front of the Museum.

For additional information, contact the museum, 402-296-4770.



The Feminist Manifesto

May 8, 2:30pm

Through the songs and writings of heroic women (and some liberated men) through the centuries, issues of civil rights and stereotypes will be explored.  Greenblatt & Seay sing and play a variety of instruments, including dulcimer, violin, guitar, harmonica, etc.

The concert will be downstairs, followed by light refreshments, and a chance to chat and jam with the performers.

Performances located in Old Avoca, Nebraska Schoolhouse

Avoca is located in southern Cass County on 13C spur, one mile south of Highway 34.


Spring Salad Luncheon

Uncorked flyer 2016

Student Philson


4 H Camp flyer





1st Friday of the Month-Eagle (Community Center)- 1-5pm

2nd Friday of the Month-Weeping Water (Library)- 1-5pm

3rd Friday of the Month-Greenwood (Library)- 1-5pm

Please call our office @ 402-296-9368 to schedule an appointment


2016 LHS in July 

~Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.

-Helen Keller

Thanks to all Springfield E-Newsletter readers. 

Connie Manzer


Announce your news in the Springfield electronic newsletter. Send birthday or anniversary greetings.  Post a special event, news or pictures of school or sporting events. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Get the word out to everyone in Springfield and beyond. Please have your info in by Monday 10pm. Contact me at: 253 -2015 (leave a message) or email all news and photos to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Community Sustaining Sponsors 2016

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2016 Community Sustaining Sponsor